J&K integral part of India, external interference not acceptable: Naidu

Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu along with Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh and Lt Governor Manoj Sinha awarding degrees to pass-outs during convocation of IIM Jammu on Friday.
Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu along with Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh and Lt Governor Manoj Sinha awarding degrees to pass-outs during convocation of IIM Jammu on Friday.

Sinha announces LG Scholarship for IIM, IIT, NIT students

Nishikant Khajuria
JAMMU, Apr 9: Maintaining that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India, Vice- President M Venkaiah Naidu, in a clear message to Pakistan, today asserted that any external interference in the country’s internal affairs was unwarranted and not acceptable.
“Jammu and Kashmir has been and will continue to be an integral part of India and the country is capable of solving its own problems. Other nations should confine themselves to their domestic problems rather than giving unsolicited advice to India,” he said in an apparent reference to Pakistan’s hue and cry over abrogation of Article 370.

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The Vice-President was addressing the 3rd and 4th annual Convocation of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Jammu, here today, in presence of Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh and Lt Governor of J&K, Manoj Sinha on the dais.
“My advice to some friends who are trying to give unasked advice to us in between and make commentaries to confine themselves to their domestic problems. We all believe in democracy and civilization. If you are really civilized, you are not expected to interfere in the affairs of any other country. I am very clear about it,” he said.
Without naming Pakistan or leadership of that country, Naidu further said that some people from the neighbourhood always try to create problems and disturbances here because they do not want India to progress.
“We should not allow them to succeed. We should be guided by the spirit of national integration. Nation first, party and profession next and self last. That should be our attitude, nation first attitude irrespective of caste, creed, sex, religion and region,’ he said and added: “We are all Indian-we may belong to Jammu, Kashmir, south or north. We must remember that we are all sons of this country and we should feel proud that we are Indians.”
Lauding beauty of Jammu and Kashmir, the Vice-President said that this part of the country was very beautiful and so were the people who needed to have peace, which was pre-requisite for progress. “This has to be understood by one and all. If you have tension, you cannot pay attention and that is why peace is very much required,” he added.
The Vice President also recalled the great contribution of Jammu and Kashmir as an important centre of education since ancient times. Highlighting the works of Patanjali, Anandavardhana, Lalleswari and Habba Khatoon from the region, he called for continuity in enriching the rich culture of learning and innovation.
Mr Naidu said that the country was moving forward and the entire world was looking towards India, which was being respected worldwide. “Today, India is the most favourite destination for investment. With the ease of doing business, the reforms brought in by the Prime Minister and the new ideas, the world is looking towards us and we have the potential to take advantage of that. See to it that we become a strong, stable, peaceful and prosperous nation,” he told the students.
Stressing on the need for re-orienting higher education in tune with the realities of the world, the Vice President called upon national institutes like IIMs to offer innovative courses and diplomas based on new market realities and demands of the fourth industrial revolution. He also underlined the importance of developing a mindset that encourages innovation and institutional reform that fosters creativity and promotes excellence.
“Your ability to take decisions in an uncertain world and your ability to adapt to new contexts will become very crucial,” said Vice President to students and advised the institutions of higher education to “Adapt, Evolve and Respond” to situations that have never before been faced by mankind.
The Vice President stressed the need for strengthening industry-institute linkages. He urged the graduating management students to work with farmers in improving the marketing of farm produce.
Dr Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, MoS, PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, in his address, said that the Union Territory of J&K has become the educational hub of North India.
“Today, the young generation is much more aspirational and the Government, keeping their aspirations in consideration, is facilitating the youth with a level playing field so that they can become the architects of New India,” he added.
The Union MoS also counted the reformative measures taken by the Government for the growth and development of J&K.
Speaking on the occasion, Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha announced annual “LG Scholarship” for 10 students each from IIM Jammu, IIT Jammu and NIT Srinagar.
He called upon the students to understand the true virtues of life and make valuable contributions towards Nation Building and AtmaNirbhar Bharat. “Learning is a lifelong experience. Tackle any challenges with adaptability and keep the thirst of knowledge with you throughout your life,” he added.
Drawing attention towards fast changing market trends and increased business management challenges, the Lt Governor emphasized on the need to put more focus on up-scaling of emerging skill sets so that Human Capital can be prepared and developed to fill the Skill Gap as per the demand.
“We need to produce Future Business Managers as per the Market demand. Overhauling the entire business management ecosystem and orientation of youth is the need of the hour to complement the dynamics of market trends”, he said.
“Prime Minister has laid a solid foundation for tackling unpredictability in market trends. J&K Government is also giving focused attention on identifying and exploiting all major growth potential sectors to provide every child with an opportunity for imbibing the pre-requisite qualities to overcome the market challenges,” said the Lt Governor.
Referring to Chanakya, the Lt Governor remarked that we inherit the wisdom of management from our ancient Management Guru, which somehow we have lost mid way. “Our Arthaúâstra has described the theory, business relation, knowledge and research as the core strengths of Business education,” he added.
Citing a recent report, the Lt Governor said J&K has less unemployment rate than States / UTs like Delhi, Goa, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Rajasthan, which itself speaks about the strong resolve of the UT Government towards addressing the serious issue of unemployment.
On the occasion, the Vice President awarded medals to the students of 2018-20 and 2019-21 batches who achieved academic excellence. During the convocation, a total of 148 students were conferred with a Master in Business Administration degree.
IIM Jammu also conferred the Chairman’s Gold Medal, Director’s Silver Medal and Chairperson’s MBA Bronze Medal to the meritorious students.
Aditya Doshi of 2018-19 batch and Ashish Mann of 2019-20 batch were conferred with Chairman’s Gold Medal while Arjab Sarkar (2018019) and Jerin Baiju (2019-20) got Director’s Silver Medal. Chairperson’s MBA Bronze Medal was conferred upon Varsha Kaushik (2018-19) and Ruchit Kevadiya (2019-20).
Dr Milind Kamble, Chairman, Board of Governors, IIM Jammu delivered the welcome address. Prof B S Sahay, Director, IIM Jammu, presented a report, highlighting past achievements and future action plans of the University.
K K Sharma, State Election Commissioner; Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar, Advisor to the Lt Governor; BVR Subrahmanyam, Chief Secretary; Vice Chancellors of various Universities; Administrative Secretaries; members of BoG IIM; distinguished senior officers, besides faculty and family members of the students attended the convocation ceremony.