JK needs development in Industry and power sectors

Er. Dharma Pal Balgotra
“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.” The time has now come to take on china by 2030 and to become the Global player. India needs to grow much faster over the next 10 years with the use of technology and reforms to achieve the goal. To achieve the potential growth rate of minimum 7-8 per cent, India has to improve factor productivity and reduce incremental capital output ratio. Technology, coupled with drastic reforms in areas like power (small hydro and 2MW grid connected solar), industry, environment, health, education, research and innovations, new technology and maintenance of infrastructure can make decisive difference.However, technology solutions and reforms in power and industry in particular can contribute significantly to enable the realization of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat. The time is short but target is quite big and it is possible to achieve unless and until every state push up their efforts to cooperate to achieve the set goal by 2030.
I am now suggesting reforms for my Jammu and Kashmir UT more particular in power and industry sectors, which are critical for the growth and major overhaul is needed to contribute the growth share of the UT towards the fulfillment of goal by 2030.
The present peaking shortage of power is 700MW Power. On developing new industries, an additional impact of the power shortages shall be of the order of 400 MW. Thus, the total peaking shortages shall be 1100 MW, which shall be required by 2025 to fully develop our industrial production. If our country is to take on China by 2030, then we have to focus on small hydro and on solar power in rural areas to match our requirements. The power from the big hydro projects shall not be available by 2030 and we have left with no choice to go for solar power generation to get quick results and meet our load requirements.
We also haveto carry out reforms in the power sector to afford 24×7 power availability for the industry in rural and urban areas, which are life line for the industry, growth and comforts. India’s rapid development has to be accompanied by ever-increasing adherence to individualistic values which are very important for the achievement of goal. Everybody, who are at the helm of affairs has to tie up their shoeslaces and stand up to work at least 14 hours in a day to achieve the day to day targets.He should subordinate them to the interests of the nation and of the masses. Hence, selfishness, slacking, corruption, seeking the limelight, and so on, are most contemptible, while selflessness, working with all one’s energy, one goal, one mission, whole-hearted devotion to public duty and quiet hard work will command respect and in the achievement of the goal.
Reforms in the power sector.
Small hydro (bulb/archimedes screw turbine 3 blades turbine unit) canal based low head schemes.
Iconic ranbir canal is dying a slow death but can be used for power generation by installing 5x 2 mw bulb/archimedes screw turbine 3 blades turbine units on it.
Apart from Ranbir canal, there are number of locations in the UT, where, we can go for similar bulb turbine unit schemes for power generation. The Jammu and Kashmir PDD/PDC/JAKEDA must carry out intensive exercises and explore all the potential sites and immediately take action for distributed power generation.
We have already wasted a considerable time in just tossing statements in air and now we cannot waste even a single day in realizing solar power in 8 months’ time. Moreover, the power from big hydro cannot be obtained before 2028 or even-more,as the possibilities of geological surprises during construction in Chenab valley region cannot be ruled out.
The most viable solution is tapping distributed small farms solar power through Independent Power Producers (IPP) community mode only due to hilly terrain, poor health of the weak grid, huge gap of supply demand, mismatch load profile, stability issue of the power system, occupancy of huge areas of land required nearest to the load centers and nearness to urban entails us that we should not go for big solar power farms in all other areas except Leh and Kargil.We can also plan 7MW Concentrated solar project parabolic reflector at prominent locations.
2 MW Distributed grid connected solar power farm at least one in each Panchayat is the immediate solution. This community mode of construction of 2MW small solar farm grid connected shall enable to generate local power, accommodate many unemployed persons, local development, establishing small industrial units in each Panchayat in addition to maintain the ecological balance by generating clean power. Villages become self-sufficient.
The 2MW solar power farm can be commissioned in 6 months’ time and power can be evacuated through the nearest 11kv station/lines and thus making the village Panchayat self-sufficient vis a vis power. Once the power in each Panchayat is obtained, then small village industries then can come up and usher in an era of sustainable development with clean energy. if the Government takes up 500 such projects in one go that means in 6 months, J&K will get 1000 MWs of clean energy without even destroying nature.
300 MW solar power can be obtained by installing solar panels 10mx4m all over the 25km RANBIR CANAL and 400MW by installing 10mx4m solar panels along the bank of river Tawi above the highest flood level witnessed in a span of 50 years.
It is an admitted fact that no Government in any country can afford to provide full employment from the Govt. Sector alone to all its young work force but at the same time, it is the prime responsibility of the Government to see how the talents and experience of the young force would be utilized usefully in the speedily development and to ensure that their talents may not go waste and would stay alive gracefully. Due to lack of industrialization and other development projects, these young engineers do not get opportunity, exposure of working /experience and consequently do not get jobs outside in view of their having hardly any experience. Now, our Government has to address this problem of unemployment before it is too late that the engineering degree/diploma holders may even forget and mentally drain the technology learnt resulting that the very simple definition of famous “ohm law”might even forget. We have at present lakhs of unemployed work force, engineers and others. Their talent can be utilized in the development process of the union territory. A comprehensive plan for self-employment is the only solution to achieve the objective of the development of the territory. What we need is self-sufficiency in energy generation besides developing infrastructure ofthe industry at village level. The foremost priority is to harness solar power in almost in all the 4000 Panchayats of the territory in a well-planned manner by installing 2MWsolar power projects on a shadow free sun facing areas and a 70 kanals piece of uncultivated waste land in each panchayat in community IPPmode. These projects at the Panchayat level will generate power, setup small village industries and can be constructed with the collective efforts of the people of Panchayat, unemployed engineers, localdevelopers, financiers and in-house engineering technology.
* The industry department identify the items required to be manufactured in each Panchayat. One item in one Panchayat be planned for mass production.
* Deploy unemployed Engineers/Professionals in building National infrastructures of the industrial and power units by awarding contracts through entrepreneurs.
* Even allotment of the various industrial and power units can be given to these unemployed professionals entrepreneurs for the operation and manufacturing of various products.
* Women Entrepreneurs: -Women by nature are very intelligent, and think deeply. The element of sincerity, hardworking and patience is the virtue of God. These qualities can be fully utilized in awarding contracts to the women entrepreneurs for outsourcing, procurement of raw material for all the rural industrial units and sale of finished products in the country and abroad. Such decision shall help in reducing the overall cost of production and increase profitability.
* Thousands of unemployed persons shall get nice returns of the hard work and also contribute in the speedily development of the UT.
My views are practical and request to the Government to pay attention in the speedily development of the UT to contribute in the country GDP, enabling INDIA to take on CHINA in the next 10 years by 2030.