J&K not lagging behind in making local products global: Modi

Snow peas from Pulwama reach London

*PM wishes all the best to  Shri Amarnath yatris

Sanjeev Pargal

JAMMU, June 30: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are not lagging behind in making local products global saying the first consignment of snow peas was sent to London from Pulwama in South Kashmir. He made special mention of Abdul Rashid Mir of village Chakura who came forward to achieve the milestone.

In his first `Mann Ki Baat’ Radio address after assuming office for a third term, Modi also referred to his participation in International Yoga Day in Srinagar and wished all the best to Shri Amarnath Ji pilgrims and those joining other yatras across the country.

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“The first consignment of snow peas was sent to London from Pulwama (in South Kashmir). The people in Jammu and Kashmir are not lagging behind in making local products global. What Jammu and Kashmir has achieved last month is an example for people across the country.
“Some people got the idea to bring exotic vegetables grown in Kashmir onto the world map. Abdul Rashid Mir of village Chakura in Pulwama was the first to come forward for this,” the Prime Minister said.
He said Mir started growing snow peas by integrating the land of other farmers of the village and within no time, snow peas started reaching London from Kashmir.
This success, the Prime Minister said, has opened new door for the prosperity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. There is no dearth of such unique products in our country. He called upon the people to share such products with #myproductsmypride. He said he will touch upon this topic in the upcoming `Mann Ki Baat’.
The Prime Minister’s comments on the topic were also posted by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on X with a photograph of the edible species.
The snow pea is an edible pod pea with flat pods and thin pod walls. It is eaten whole, with both the seeds and the pod, while it is unripe.
“Snow and sugar snap peas are an excellent source of vitamin C, providing 100 percent of daily needs in just 3.5 ounces (100 grams). Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant associated with impressive health benefits, such as reduced heart disease risk and improved blood pressure control and immunity”, experts said.
Meanwhile, Abdul Rashid Mir expressed his happiness upon receiving a mention from the Prime Minister. “I am really happy that the Prime Minister mentioned me in his Mann Ki Baat,” he said.
Mir explained that growing snow peas has provided new hope to farmers who often faced losses with traditional peas due to price and demand fluctuations. “The snow peas have a huge market. We talked to a local vendor who advised us to grow it, citing the high demand for peas in the market. We cultivate it in the orchards on idle land and export it,” he said.
Mir highlighted that the crop is completely organic and in high demand in European countries, so much so that they are unable to meet the demand. “The farmers have benefited greatly. We are happy that our crops are being exported and gaining space in the international market,” he said.
Mir noted that farmers interested in growing snow peas can do so without any issues, as they can cultivate it on idle orchard land, and the produce will be collected from their doorsteps. “Once the farmers plant and pick the crop, we will collect it from their doorsteps,” he said.
He added that the production of snow peas is ten times greater than that of traditional peas. “Each plant can yield around 10 kilograms, meaning the farmer has to pick the crop ten times compared to traditional crops, which yield only once,” he said.
Regarding the cultivation season, Mir said that snow peas are grown around the same time as traditional peas, typically in October and November, with production occurring in March and April.
Meanwhile, Modi also wished all the best to the devotees participating in various yatras including annual pilgrimage of Shri Amarnath Ji which started yesterday in South Kashmir Himalayas. The 52-day-long yatra will conclude on August 19.
“The holy Rath Yatra is going to start after a week from now. It’s my solemn wish that the blessings of Mahaprabhu Jagannath always remain on the countrymen. The Amarnath yatra has also commenced, and in the next few days, the Pandharpur Wari is also about to start. I wish all the devotees participating in the yatras all the best,” the Prime Minister said.
He also referred to the International Yoga Day celebrations held on June 21 which were led by him from Srinagar.
“The whole world celebrated the 10th Yoga Day with great enthusiasm and zeal. I also participated in the yoga program organized in Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir, along with the youth, sisters and daughters. All of them participated in the function enthusiastically,” Modi said.
He added that the Yoga Day has attained many great achievements all over the world. For the first time in Saudi Arabia, a woman, Al Hanouf Saad led the common yoga protocol. This is the first time a Saudi woman has instructed a main yoga session, he said.
PTI adds: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday that people expressed their unwavering faith in the country’s Constitution and democratic process in the “world’s biggest” polls in which over 65 crore of them voted.
He thanked people and congratulated the Election Commission and every person associated with the process as he touched on a host of issues in the nearly 30-minute radio address, which was suspended in February due to the approaching elections.
The Prime Minister also cheered Indian athletes who will be competing in the Paris Olympics starting next month, and urged people to use “cheer4Bharat” hashtag to motivate them.
He said the performance of Indian players in the previous Olympics in Tokyo had won the hearts of every citizen, and the participating athletes have been since whole-heartedly engaged in the preparations for the Paris Olympics.
During the radio address, the Prime Minister spoke of the afforestation initiative named ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ launched on the World Environment Day.
Noting that he also planted a tree in memory of his mother, Modi said, “I am immensely happy to see that the campaign to plant trees in memory of the mother or in her honour is progressing rapidly.On social media, people are sharing pictures of planting trees with their mothers or with their photographs.”
This campaign will also help protect the ‘Mother Earth’, he added.
With the monsoon season picking pace, he spoke of the ‘Karthumbhi’ umbrellas crafted in Attappady, Kerala, by tribal women.
He said, “Karthumbi umbrellas have completed their journey from a small village in Kerala to multinational companies. What could be a better example than this of being vocal for local?”
In his broadcast, Modi congratulated the All India Radio on its Sanskrit bulletin completing 50 years and said the ancient language has played a big role in the progress of Indian knowledge and science.
“The demand of today’s times is that we should respect Sanskrit and also connect it with our daily life,” he said, noting that locals at a Bengaluru park meet every Sunday to converse in the language.