J&K: Smuggling via drones new challenge, says BSF


Smuggling of arms and drugs through drones is a new challenge, but the BSF has undertaken several measures, including using anti-drone technology, to foil such attempts, a senior officer of the force said here on Thursday.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a function here, Inspector General, Kashmir Frontier, BSF, Ashok Yadav, said the force’s endeavour is to keep the borders protected and foil any efforts of infiltration or smuggling.
“Smuggling of arms and drugs through drones is a new challenge and to overcome it, the BSF has taken several measures, including using anti-drone technology. We are improving our technology and we will thwart all such efforts,” Yadav said.
“We are alert and will give a very strong response to such attempts,” he added.
He said, the security forces are also engaging youth in border areas so that they stay away from drugs.
“It is our long-term programme to make the youth stakeholders in Kashmir’s development,” he said. (PTI)