J&K to have ultra modern Legislative complex in 2015

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Nov 18: With engineers and workers on the job, the State will have a new six -storied ultra modern Legislative complex which will be at par with other best Legislative complexes in the country by beginning of 2015.
To be constructed at an estimated cost of Rs 104.44 crore by Jammu and Kashmir Project Construction Corporation (JKPCC) adjacent to existing Legislative Complex here, the new Legislative Complex will be a unique building in the State whose two floors will be used for parking of 265 vehicles of ministers, legislators and officials while the other two floors each will be meant for the business of Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council respectively.
According to sources, this multi-storied building will add to the beauty of City of Temples manifold and will become a center of attraction for visitors also. The funding on its construction will be shared by State and Central Governments on 50:50 basis, sources added.
While the Central Government will share Rs 50 crore the rest will be paid by State Government, sources  said adding this will be ultra modern building having all centrally heating and cooling arrangements. The total area of new complex will be 70,000 square feet.
Besides the existing Legislative complex will be given a re-look by remodeling it, sources said, adding the Central Hall in the Legislative Complex having seating arrangement for 300 members will be kept for joint session. Moreover it will have a lounge for members and a library.
So far, the Government has released Rs 24 crore for the project while the second installment will be paid after the Corporation submits the utilization certificate, sources said.
However with the initial delay in the handing over of site to JKPCC for construction of Legislative Complex, its completion will be delayed by three to four months and instead of its earlier deadline of December 2014, the project will be completed by February or March 2015, sources said.
The work on this ultra modern Legislative complex is going on in full swing  but completion of the project may be delayed by three to four months as the agency which has been entrusted the construction work was not handed over the site well in time by the Government, sources said.
Sources said though the foundation stone of the Project was laid in July 2010, the removal of pipes of PHE Department supplying water to MLAs hostel etc were delayed for about one year and the issue was resolved only in May 2011. The work in actual was started in June. But after one month the work was closed due to Monsoon and it again got delayed due to Winter rains, sources added.
Sources said in real sense the work was started in May this year and it is going on in full swing now but due to initial hitches the completion of project will be delayed by three to four months though the concerned agency is trying its best to handover the project in stipulated time and date.
Sources said the availability of funds can also be another consideration for completion of project in time. If funds are released in time the constructing agency will hand over the project latest by March 2015 but in case the agency faced constraints of funds, the work will automatically get delayed, sources added.
Admitting that the initial stage of construction work got delayed due to removing of PHE pipes and electricity poles, Deputy General Manager, JKPCC, Suresh Reiki said though they faced many problems in restoring the site, which resulted in initial delay of the work, yet all efforts will be made to hand over the project in stipulated time and at most there will be a delay of three to four months.
He expressed confidence that if things go smoothly and there was no constraint of funds allocation, the Project will be handed over to the Government by March 2015 as work is going on in full swing.