JKAP submits memorandum to LG, demands opening of shops in Samba

Excelsior Correspondent

SAMBA, May 15: Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party (JKAP) today submitted a memorandum to Lt Governor, Girish Chandra Murmu through Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Vijaypur demanding opening of shops in Samba district.
Led by former Minister and senior leader, JKAP, Manjit Singh, the deputation on behalf of businessmen of Samba district called on SDM, Vijaypur and handed over a memorandum addressed to LG Murmu to him. The memorandum said that the traders and shopkeepers are the worst suffers and they should be allowed to open their shops for the welfare of all the people.
The former Minister said that except essential commodities, all other shops are closed which need to be opened in a time frame manner. “Large numbers of shops are closed since last two months,. The shops of hardware, goldsmiths, utensils, cements, mechanical shops, pump set shops, electronic etc are completely closed. We have demanded that such shops should be given permission to open,. It has dented badly to the business community as well as people in general have been suffering”, said Manjit Singh while talking to reporters later.
He appealed that rest of the districts have selected alternative days for the opening of non-essential shops in Jammu division. Similar policy should be adopted to resume economic activities in Samba district which is facing lockdown without permission to shops other than essentials, he said.
The J&K Apni Party senior leader said that the farmers who need pump sets, agriculture products and other things to cultivate their crops should be facilitated by the authorities. Not only did the people are suffering, but the business community is also facing financial insecurity in view of prolonged shutdown due to pandemic covid-19, he said. The former Minister appealed the people to follow social distancing whenever they come in the markets to buy essential or other goods to keep the district safe and protected from the deadly corona virus.
Meanwhile, the JKAP also demanded that administration should also give permission for construction work in Samba so that the local labourers who have become jobless can be engaged. The local construction workers are without work since the day lockdown was announced. When Government has allowed MGNREGA works, the construction work at private level should also be permitted in the interest of jobless construction workers including locals and non-local workers, “the senior leader of JKAP, added.