JKEEGA’s plea to DyCM, Principal Secretary Power

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 19: J&K Electrical Engineering Graduates (JKEEGA) in its meeting here, today held under the chairmanship of Er. Daulat Ram Bhagat its president has made a fresh appeal to Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh and Principal Secretary Power to uphold the justice by making all promotions strictly as per the rules in vogue so that anomalies and injustice done by the previous regime is not repeated.
The meeting demanded that the promotions from JEs to AEs and onwards be strictly given in accordance with the existing J&K Gazetted Engineering Services Rules. The Association expressed the hope that in future also the rules are not violated while making promotions from JEs to AEs, AEs, AEEs and AEEs to Executive Engineers.
The meeting said any future discrepancies will crate havoc in the functioning of Electrical Engineering Department causing continuous disgrace to higher qualified graduate engineers. It said this will be opposed tooth and nail and the demand will be raised at all forums in the interest of upholding the value of higher qualifications and for overall effective functioning.
The meeting also discussed mass conversion of 165 diploma engineers to the level of AEs in 2012 and termed it a gross injustice with higher qualified engineers.