JKMEGA delegation calls on Basharat Bukhari

Says mechanical engineers essential for creating efficient Disaster Management Task Force

JAMMU: Minister for Revenue, Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, Syed Basharat Bukhari today met a delegation of Executive Council of Jammu and Kashmir Mechanical Engineering Graduates Association (JKMEGA).

The JKMEGA delegation expressed their concern about the state’s preparedness to handle the natural disasters and apprised the Minister about the role mechanical engineers can play in Disaster Management.

The Minister appreciated the suggestions put forth by the delegation, said that these suggestions will be given due consideration and will be employed on ground level to strength the state’s response to manage natural disasters.

The delegation suggested for increasing direct involvement of mechanical engineers of the state in disaster management and rescue operations. They also listed down ways in which mechanical engineers can directly contribute in disaster scenarios.

They said that mechanical engineers can directly work to employ preventive measures by way of mechanized dredging of existing contours of river Jhelum to avoid flood like situations in future. “The use of SCADA, Ultra sonic level gauges, motorized gates, etc can be used as preventive mechanical gadgets for monitoring the flood situation so that timely measures can be taken,” the delegation said.

They also said that the installation of fire fighting system can prevent and minimize the human and material loss for an entire public arena besides the state can also tackle all disasters related to snow and avalanches by utilizing the services of modern mechanized machinery like Snow cutters, Snow plough, they added.