JKNPP activists protest against inflation, property tax

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 2: Accusing the Govt of failure to control inflationary tendencies and the steep rise in prices of petrol, diesel, LPG besides imposing property tax on the people, scores of Panthers Party activists led by Harshdev Singh, party chairman and Yash Paul Kundal State president Young Panthers staged a protest demonstration at Exhibition Ground here today.
Infuriated over the sharp rise in prices of fuel, LPG, imposition of property tax in J&K, the protestors raised loud slogans against BJP Govt, “Jab se BJP Sarkaar Ayee, Qamar Todh Mehangayi Layee”, “BJP ka Ek hi Sapna, Ram Ram Japna, Paraya Maal Apna”, “Property Tax Wapis Lo”,…. and so on.
Speaking to the media, Harsh Dev Singh said that with hefty Excise duty on fuel already levied, the addition of new farm cess had sky rocketed the petrol price to Rs 100 per litre. And with the petrol and diesel becoming dearer, the price of domestic LPG cylinder had further soared by Rs 25 to hit Rs 845 per cylinder. The bizarre hike in price of fuel and gas has added to the woes of the common masses, Harshdev rued.
Regretting that the common man’s life had become miserable in view of essential services and goods getting beyond his reach, he pointed out that there had been frequent surges in the prices of onions, tomatoes etc during the BJP rule which had rendered the popular vegetables beyond the reach of people.
“We cannot forget the appalling price of onions reaching up to Rs 100 per kg under Saffron rule at times and even Rs 150 per kg in certain states only to leave common masses ‘teary-eyed’. The astounding rates of groceries including dairies, cereals, pulses and edible oils have also broken the spine of common man. With LPG, diesel, petrol already being costlier, the soaring prices of staple food has shattered the budget of a common household with housewives left hapless to arrange kitchen fire”, lamented Harsh.
He said that inflation had become a benchmark of BJP’s governance and looting people by burning holes in their pockets has become synonymous with Saffron party.
“Imposition of Toll Tax followed by Property Tax would further aggravate the brewing anger of the people to catastrophic rage. He said COVID-19 outbreak has already hit all lines of business severely. People are under enormous distress.
NPP leaders called upon LG of J&K to review the decision to impose new Property Tax regime and cautioned MHA to revoke the obnoxious order.