JK’s youth and peace process

Stressing yet again on the importance of engaging the youth of the state as important stakeholders in the peace process, Governor Satya Pal Malik underlined their actual involvement to give impetus to peace and development in Jammu and Kashmir. The Youth, anyone could hardly disagree, are full of creative, intellectual and innovative energies and could be harnessed for the development of the state as well as ensuring their caming up as successful agents of peace, development and prosperity so that not only the society, the state and the country benefitted from their contribution but they, themselves led a purposeful and meaningful successful life by building careers and opportunities.
As we find that the youth , throughout the country are taking part in the democratic processes and thus contribute as torch bearers for emerging societies, there was no dearth of such processes in the state and what was needed was their partaking in the same and at the same time, availing of all available benefits and support from the state and the Central administrations. The views cantering round these points were expressed by the Governor while speaking to the youth during an interaction session “Kashmir Youth Dialogue” organised by Jammu and Kashmir Youth Alliance at SKICC on Oct 14.
It is, however, astonishing and unacceptable that some political leadership acting on forces from across the border should mislead, hoodwink and delude the gullible youth to path of violence and lawlessness which not only ruined their individual careers but often resulted in loss of precious lives and property. It was for the youth to think what suited them, their families, the society and the country most. Governor, referred to this reality by saying that the youth should be given momentum in right direction to channelize their creative and innovative energies.