JKSSB aspirants protest for revival of waiting list in recruitments

JKSSB aspirants protesting in Jammu.
JKSSB aspirants protesting in Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 13: Demanding revival of the provision of waiting list in the recruitment, JKSSB aspirants today resumed their protests at Hari Singh Park, Jammu.
Carrying placards and shouting slogans in support of their demand, they appealed the authorities to act immediately for resolving the issue of waiting list revival.

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“Despite earlier assurances, our legitimate demand remains unaddressed, prompting us to once again take to the streets in pursuit of justice,” said Swarn Veer Singh Jaral, who was leading the protest demonstration.
Recalling that the protests were earlier suspended on assurance of senior BJP leader Balwant Singh Mankotia for resolution of the issue before January 26, he lamented that the promise was not materialized till date leaving the aspirants disillusioned. The resumption of protests underscores aspirants’ unwavering commitment to their cause and their demand for accountability, he added.
Chaudhary Imtiyaz Zafar, Muktesh Yogi, Ankush Sharma and others also spoke on the occasion and demanded transparency, fairness, and accountability in the recruitment process. Authorities must heed these voices and engage in meaningful dialogue for comprehensive resolution. Delay only exacerbates uncertainty and erodes credibility, they said.