JMWC for permanent solution to KPs problems

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 15: A meeting of Jagti Migrants Welfare Committee (JMWC) was conducted under the president ship of Pintoo Ji in which permanent solution to KP issues was discussed.
While addressing, Pintoo Ji (president) said, that since 700 years KPs have been victimized time and again, left the Valley with empty hand, faced miserable life in 25 yrs of exile. Appreciating the employment drive initiated for KPs, but at the same time employment is not the permanent solution.
He cautioned the community not to be exploited by this mere employment, which will eat into the vitals of our permanent settlement issue. Employment should not be linked with the return. He further said, both Central as well as State Govt., has not any clear cut and concrete policy about the rehabilitation of KPs. Kashmiri Pandits should remain united and help to find a strategic solution once for all and have constitutional right to accelerate the genuine movement for their settlement at a single place in the Valley.
He appealed the Relief and Rehabilitation Minister to address seriously the existing long pending grievances of KPs prior to return.
Veer Ji Belove chairman appealed and cautioned the KP youth not to be trapped and hatch-potched at the hands of the vested interested and self-styled people. He said Government should provide at least one employment to ever family out of PM package.
Others who spoke Roshan Lal, Ravinder Kumar, Rajinder Kumar and Chand Ji.