JNU students’ protest reflects enthusiasm about Art 370: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh delivering a lecture on Article 370, amidst protests, at Jawaharlal Nehru (JNU) , New Delhi on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Oct 3: Amidst loud protests by Left Wing students organisations in the campus of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) here today, while delivering a lecture on ‘Abrogation of Article 370’, Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh quipped, amidst loud applause, “This only reflects the enthusiasm of the students and their interest in the subject of Article 370”.
“Everybody is free to express his views”, he said and added, JNU is known to teach the virtues of free speech and free flow of ideas, even though different students may be adopting different modes to express themselves.
Dr Jitendra Singh said , JNU is a seat of learning and everybody is free to express his views and also free to change his view. He mentioned various historical facts in J&K to put forward his views. The Minister added that BJP has practised consistency of nationalist thought in their views irrespective of being in power or not, unlike those who keep changing their views by convenience.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, the Government has been alleged that all the stakeholders were not taken into confidence while abrogating Article 370. Replying to it, the Minister said that Lok Sabha represents people of country and if it is passed in Parliament, each Indian has been the stakeholder. He said all Kashmiri Pandits, Sikhs, West Pakistan refugees are the stakeholder and all deserve justice.
He said that Vajpayeeji had always believed that J&K was a part of India and he did not even consider the autonomy resolution by Farooq Abdulla in 1999. There was not even a room to discuss it. Speaking about Jamooriyat, Kashmiriyat and Insaniyat, the Minister said that Kashmiriyat is a sense of the composite culture for which Kashmir has been known. It is an optimum mix of two religions which gave it a unique character, he said. He expressed his opnion that some people with vested interests, prefer to shut Government schools built for poor children, and sending their children to good institutions and this is not Insaniyat which we talk about.
He said that after abrogation of Article 370, it was alleged that it will lead to alienation. He questioned whether Article 370 is essential to keep intact a culture? Do we have 370 in other parts of the country, he added. He said that identities are born through social mechanism and on the contrary, Article 370 led to isolation. He said that people of Kashmir are rejoicing this decision of Government. For development of J&K, the autonomy to grass root levels is essential. The Minister added that 370 has been more abused, than used. He thanked the Home Minister Shri Amit Shah for this decision. There has been no incidence of violence in the curfew since the decision has been taken, he said. The people put under house arrest are infact enjoying hospitality, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that abrogation of Article 370 is essential for the development of state and for youth who have immense potential and aspirations. He said that the Prime Minister has always given importance to the development of peripheral states. He quoted example of north east. Dr Singh said that now the avenues of development will be available to J&K. He said that J&K also needs IITs, IIMs, medical colleges and food parks. Abrogation of Article 370 is essential for providing genuine democracy and to provide opportunities to youth there which are available in other parts of the country.