Join the Indian armed forces

Ajay Sudan
Ever wished of riding a tank? Ever dream of flying a fighter plane? Ever thought of sailing warship?
If  you wish to ride  a  tank  and  protect  the  lands  of  your country join the “INDIAN ARMY”. If you  dreamt  of  flying  a  fighter plane  and protect  the  skies  of  your  country, join  the  “INDIAN AIR FORCE”. If you think of sailing a warship and protect the waters of your country, join the “INDIAN NAVY”.
If  you  want  your  wish  to  be  fulfilled,  your  dreams  come  true  and  your  thoughts  turn  into  reality,  then  join  the “Indian Armed Forces”.  You  can  become  an  officer  at  the  minimum  age  of  21 years  only  but  only  if  you  have  fire in  your  belly  and  a  heart  like  that  of  a  tiger.  Anyone  aspiring  of  joining  the  Indian Armed Forces  must  have  a  good  intellect,   courage,  will,  determination  and  passion  for  it.
We  should  be  proud  of  the  men  of  our  Armed  Forces    who  live  in  such  a  rough and  tough  life  so  that  we  can  live  a  life  without  fear,  terror  or  any  danger  of  the  enemy.  They  perform  their  duties  with  great  zeal  and  enthusiasm  in  the  sun  burning  deserts and   barrens  of  Rajasthan   as  well  as  in  the  bone  crushing  snow  &  severe  cold  of  Siachin.  They  protect  us  from  the  external danger  as  well  as  they  are  there   in  the  states  of  Jammu and Kashmir,  Nagaland,  Assam etc. to  protect  the  people  living  in  these   states  from  various  militants  activities  inside  the  states.
We  should  be  proud  of  our  Army  which  fought  the  Kabulis  and  protected  Kashmir  in  1948  and bravely  faced  the  sudden  Chinese  intrusion  in  Ladakh  region (J & K)  in  1962.  We  must  admire  our  Armed  Forces  which  fought  the  wars  of  1965  and  1971  against  Pakistan’s  forces  and  badly  defeated  them.  It  was  real  wonder  that  our  Army’s  determination  forced  about  1  lakh  soldiers  of  Pakistan’s  Army  to  surrender  before  it  in  the  war  of 1971.  Not  to  forget  the  Kargil  conflict  in  which  our  Army  inspite  of  severe  cold,  high  altitude and  inhospitable  conditions   fought  the  enemies  sitting  on  high  hills  of  the  Batalik  Sector  (Ladakh)  and  forced  them  to  flee.
Think of our several brave soldiers and officers like Maj. Somnath Sharma (P.V.C.), Lt. Arun Khetrpal(P.V.C.(P)), Lt. Sourabh Kalia, Lt. Manoj Pandey, Capt. Vikram Batra(P.V.C.), Maj. Ajay Singh Jasrotia(V.C.),..etc. who fought for the safety and honour of their country and sacrificed their lives at their very early ages. But no one thinks about them. Who has the time? Everyone is busy in discussing his or her personal affairs with others or in thinking about   Hrithik Roshan and  Salman Khan, everyone dreams to be like them. They are their heroes. There are few who realize that the real heroes are those who sacrificed and are scarifying their lives for their country, their motherland.
The feeling of even doing something for the country’s sake is dying in today’s youths so what to talk of sacrificing life for the country. That is the reason there is scarcity of several thousand officers in the “Indian Army”.
The youths of today want to earn money and live an easy and luxurious life. Life in the Armed Forces is a challenge. So, those who can accept this challenge those who have dying feelings for their motherland, those who can live rough and tough life, those who have an apetite to digest the enemy’s bullets should try their level best to join the Indian Armed Forces.
The “British General Chetwood”  on the inaugural ceremony of the “Chetwood Hall” of the Indian Military Academy (Dehradun) told the Army Cadets:-
“The safety, honour, and welfare of your country come first always and every time. The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command come next. Your own ease, comfort and safety come last always and every time.”
“Wahin Garjengey sher toh koi geedadh dahadega kya jis deshke rakshak karodon mein hon us desh ka koi biga degah kya !!’’