Joint family system provides security: Naidu

NEW DELHI, Aug 3: Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu today said that India’s joint family system not only provides social security to an individual but also transfers cultural heritage from generation to generation.
On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, the Vice-President in an article written on social networking website Facebook said that it has been a specialty in Indian social philosophy that special importance is given to family and family values and tradition, there is a special significance attached to them.
In India’s joint family system, not only have these values and traditional knowledge been passed on from one generation to the next, but this system also provides social security to the family members. This tradition of joint family has been watered with mutual affection, respect, sense of duty and sacrifice.
He said, “Today is Raksha Bandhan – a celebration of the affection shared between brothers and sisters. This festival gives new affection, new life to brother and sister’s affection.”
”These values and traditions have been preserved in our social customs, festival festivals, folk traditions, our religious texts for centuries.”
The Vice-President said in the Amar Granth Ramayana, to obey the order of his father, Lord Ram gladly renounces the throne and accepts exile, then Bharat holds the Paduka of Rama on the throne and runs the kingdom. There is an important episode of Ramayana in which Sati Anusuya teaches Sita about her duties towards the family and elder relatives.
Mr Naidu said that these festivals are occasions of joy when everyone in the family comes together. These festivals strengthen the relationship of mutual affection and respect. He said, “What can be more joyful than sharing your happiness with your immediate relatives.”
He said that there are many festivals in India that give one an opportunity to strengthen intimate family ties – Karva Chauth is a festival of love and respect between husband and wife in which longevity is prayed for, Ahoi Ashtami is kept by mothers. ”Wishing children well, we salute our gurus who light Guru Purnima with the light of knowledge.”
The Vice-President said as the name itself indicates, Raksha Bandhan is a celebration of the unbreakable bond of security and trust between sister and brother. On this occasion, the sisters tie a thread of protection on their brother’s wrist, so that they are safe from every obstacle, and in return he pledges to protect his siblings from every calamity for life. Everyone loves this festival.
Mr Naidu said it was believed that the festival started with Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas, tearing her sari and tying a bandage on the injury on the hand of Lord Krishna. Seeing Draupadi’s affection, Krishna pledged to protect her for a lifetime and since then a relationship between Lord Krishna and Draupadi of loving siblings began. Since then, the festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated.
He said this year, this festival of Raksha Bandhan has come at a time when the whole world, including India, is fighting the Corona epidemic.
Apart from affecting the life and livelihood of the people, this epidemic has also affected the euphoria of festivities. “Of course these are difficult times. But to defeat this infection and keep our relatives safe, we have to avoid family and social events. It will undoubtedly disappoint us that we will not be able to meet our relatives even on such occasions. But there is no other way than caution and vigilance,” he wrote.
The Vice-President said, “Even though we celebrate many festival festivals throughout the year, it is necessary that we also know their tradition and historical background and also inform the new generation, educate them about the underlying spirit of these occasions, their moral messages.”
He said, ”Our festivals reflect our rich cultural heritage and work to unify our diverse religious and social environment. Although this pandemic has forced us to stop celebrating our colorful festival, it is imperative that we together are determined to defeat this virus with more determination and perseverance. Till then I would urge you all to remain safe and strictly follow the instructions given by the government like social distance,” he concluded. (UNI)