JPBM for broader unity among Jammu people

Jammu Province Bachao Manch activists addressing joint press conference in Jammu on Wednesday. — Excelsior/Rakesh
Jammu Province Bachao Manch activists addressing joint press conference in Jammu on Wednesday. — Excelsior/Rakesh

‘Restore Statehood, hold Assembly polls’

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 13: The `Jammu Province Bachao Manch’ (JPBM) has stressed for fostering broader unity among the people of Jammu province.
While talking to media persons here today Ashok Sharma, former MLA and convener of the Manch expressed that Jammu Region is presently passing through critical times as the people are confronted with heavy taxation, unemployment , drug menace, money menace, green felling, invasion on Duggar land and culture, electricity issues like smart meters, illegal toll plazas and souring prices.
He said that there has not been a peoples’ government for the last about five years now and people are reeling under autocratic tendencies of bureaucratic ruling dispensation. The voice of the people is not being paid any heed due to lack of democratically elected government in place and the public is feeling illusioned without redressal of their legitimate problems, he observed.
Sharma demanded immediate restoration of the Statehood to Jammu and Kashmir coupled with protection of our land and jobs.
Ashok Sharma appealed to all the Dogras to unite irrespective of caste, creed, shade, religion or area to secure justice and legitimate demands. He said every one living in Jammu Region is Dogra and saving the Dogra pride is every body’s duty, securing justice for him and coming generations is his legitimate right, he said.
The efforts and struggle of Youth Rajput Sabha was lauded in the conference and condemned the mud slinging utterances towards their selfless struggle for the cause of Duggar. The YRS deserves kudos for their concern and struggle for masses, it was observed.
Kuldeep Sharma, chief spokesperson and secretary general, Satish Poonchi vice chairman, JPBM also addressed the conference and replied media quarries, whereas Capt Lalit Sharma former APrCCF, (Retd), Davinder Singh Jamwal, Kamalpreet Singh, Ashwani Kumar and Kailash Bhardwaj were also present on the occasion.