JPUF stages dharna for inclusion of Jammu issue in BJP-PDP CMP

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 15 : Amid the structured dialogue over the Government formation in the State of Jammu & Kashmir between the BJP and the PDP to draft a Common Minimum Programme(CMP) for cobbling up a ruling alliance in the State, Jammu Pradesh United Front (JPUF) staged a one day ‘Dharna’ at Indira Chowk here today.
The JPUF activists were protesting for incorporation of the issue of CM incumbent from Jammu region, granting State Subject rights to West Pak refugees, settlement of PoJK / Chhamb refugees of 1947,65 and 71, rehabilitation of border migrants and granting ST status to Gujjars and Bakerwals in the CMP.
While addressing the dharna, Uday Chand, core member and the spokesman JPUF, said that the front will keep a strict vigil on the BJP so that the party may not deviate from its assurances mentioned in “Vision Document” ahead of Assembly elections.
Rajiv Mahajan, another core member of the Front, said that it’s a life time opportunity for the BJP which is a second largest party with 25 MLA’s and a maximum vote share in the State to harp and project the Chief Ministerial incumbent from the Jammu region.
Pritam Sharma and Pt Rajesh Kesari sought abrogation of Article 370 , non-revocation of AFSPA and granting ST status to Paharis in the CMP. If the PDP does not agree on the same, BJP should prefer to sit in the opposition and fight for the cause of the people of Jammu region and their aspirations”, they added.
Mahesh Padha appealed to all the likeminded parties, youth and intellectual forums, social organizations to join the front to launch a mammoth movement against the socio-political discrimination meted out to Jammu Pradesh since decades.