JTC, SKF continue protest

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 8: Shadi Lal Pandita, president of Jagti Tenement Committee (JTC), Soan Kashmir Front and convener of PCC Migrant Cell criticized the Government for maintaining a stoic silence on the demands of the Kashmiri migrants who have been protesting for 463 days for redressal of their long pending issues.
Addressing the protesters at Jagti township today, Pandita said that the Government is delaying in dispensation of justice to hapless migrants. He said “Today despite heavy rains we continued the protest which entered 463th day but the Government is not solving our problems and issues yet., The UT and Central Government should meet our demands as soon as possible., he added.
The demands for which the JTC and SKF is on protest sit-in since 2-10-2020 included enhancement of monthly cash relief of relief holders from 13,000 to Rs 25,000 per family per month, package of 20,000 jobs to be announced for migrant unemployed educated youths, permanent rehabilitation in Kashmir Valley in three satellite townships, compensation/free bank loans to be given to over aged youth, compensation for 32 years property losses including gutted, damaged ,looted houses and properties be given, illegal occupation of migrants land/religious place’s in Kashmir valley be removed, five Assembly seats and three Parliament seats be reserved for Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs and Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs be declare as Minority communities.