JTC, SKF, DKPUAC ask Govt to take concrete steps for return of migrants

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 28: Joint meetings of Jagti Tenement Committee (JTC), Soan Kashmir Front (SKF) and Displaced Kashmiri Pandit United Action Committee (DKPUAC) were held at various camps and non camp areas of the Jammu today.
Addressing the meeting Shadi Lal Pandita, president JTC and SKF accused both UT and Central Governments of not taking concrete steps for settlement of displaced Pandits in Kashmir Valley who are living an exiled life for last 34 years.
Pandita said that some KPs from Valley are misleading the Government and community on return. He said Pandits can’t return on the assurance of irresponsible persons and NGOs as such step will prove harmful for entire community.
He said that Government should take concrete steps in this regard and alleged that Government has not so far constructed even 6000 quarters for the package employees who are working in Kashmir Valley. He demanded employment package be announced for unemployed displaced youth and over-aged youth be paid compensation. Further he said the Government should construct three satellite townships in erstwhile districts of Anantnag, Srinagar and Baramulla for return and rehabilitation of displaced Pandits.