JTC, SKF highlight migrants problems

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 31: A joint meeting of Jagti Tenement Committee (JTC), Soan Kashmir Front (SKF)and PCC Migrant Cell was held at Jagti township today under the chairmanship of Shadi Lal Pandita co-convener PCC Migrant Cell.
Addressing the meeting Pandita accused the Central Government of neglecting the displaced Pandits. He said the Central Government ministers who visited the State failed to listen to the problems of displaced Pandits by visiting migrant camps who too are the citizens of this UT. He said the displaced Pandits have suffered a lot over last 30 years but it is unfortunate that no Central Minister during their so called outreach programme visited the migrant camps to ascertain the problems of the displaced people.
He said Jagti township is facing unscheduled power cuts and appealed the PDD authorities to restore the un-interrupted power supply to Jagti township. Highlighting other demands, he urged the Government to enhance the cash relief to Rs 25,000 per month and announce a fresh package of 10,000 posts and provide compensation for loss of property at the rate of Rs four lakh per annum per family.