Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Nov 15: State Judicial Academy today conducted one day refresher course for Magistrates of Kashmir province.
The course was conducted under the guidance and patronage of Chief Patron of State Judicial Academy, Justice N. Paul Vasanthakumar, Chief Justice, High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Committee of Judges, State Judicial Academy (Justice Muzaffar Hussain Attar, Chairman, Justice Hasnain Massodi, Member and Justice Janak Raj Kotwal, Member),
Justice Muzaffar Hussain Attar presided over the programme. The programme was conducted by Pawan Dev Kotwal, Director, State Judicial Academy. In his introductory remarks, Director, State Judicial Academy deliberated on the need for such refresher programmes.
In the 1st session, Justice Attar deliberated on the topic “J&K Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2013” at length and impressed upon the Judicial Officers to implement the provisions of Act and Rules in letter and spirit. The participating Judicial Officers interacted freely with the Resource person and raised various queries viz-a-viz the various provisions of the Act and also other provisions of Criminal Law which were replied by the Resource person to the satisfaction of the participants.
2nd session was on the topic ‘Juvenile delinqueny and related issues’ by Dr. Arshid Hussain, Associate Professor, Government Medical College, Srinagar. He discussed in detail about the child delinquency and disruptive behavioural disturbances interface mental health. He also gave power point presentations on the topic.
3rd Session of the programme was dealt by Dr. Zaffar Iqbal, Head Department of Psychology, Composite Regional Centre, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (Government of India) Srinagar on the topic ‘Personality of Juvenile’ and also presented power point presentation to make the topic understandable.