Judicial Academy organizes refresher course on financial code

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 21: In order to provide clear understanding of the provisions of the J&K Financial Code and Civil Service Rules to the ministerial staff of the Subordinate Courts of Jammu province, State Judicial Academy today organized one day refresher course for all Nazirs of Subordinate Courts of Jammu province on the topic “J&K Financial Code and its application in day-to-day business of subordinate courts and J&K Civil Services Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules”.
The programme was organized under the guidance and patronage of Chief Patron of State Judicial Academy, Justice N. Paul Vasanthakumar, Chief Justice, High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and  Committee of Judges, State Judicial Academy Justice Muzaffar Hussain Attar, Chairman and Justice Hasnain Masoodi, Member.
Mahesh Dass, Director (Finance) of PHE (Irrigation & Flood Control Department) was the Resource person. The programme was conducted by Pawan Dev Kotwal, Director, State Judicial Academy. In his introductory remarks, Director, State Judicial Academy deliberated on the need for such refresher programmes for the ministerial staff.
Resource person exhaustively explained the rules and provisions of Financial Code and J&K CSR. Mr. Sharma by his varied experience and having been served in the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir as Chief Accounts Officer enlightened the participants regarding ways and means which they can adopt while dealing with financial matters and reminded the Nazirs about their powers, duties and responsibilities in the discharge of their functions.
The participating officials freely interacted with the resource person and sought clarification on several aspects of financial matters who cleared their doubts to their satisfaction. After the conclusion of the workshop participating officials felt satisfied about the usefulness of the programme in their day-to-day official working.
The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Director, State Judicial Academy. Yahaya Firdousa Ahanger, Sub-Judge (Leave Reserve), Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Deputy Registrar, State Judicial Academy, Jagdish Raj, Faculty Member and staff of the Academy were among others who attended the programme.