Jugal lambasts Cong, Opposition for disrupting Monsoon session

MP, Jugal Kishore Sharma and BJP general secretary, Dr D K Manyal at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
MP, Jugal Kishore Sharma and BJP general secretary, Dr D K Manyal at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 16: Member Parliament from Jammu-Poonch Lok Sabha constituency, Jugal Kishore Sharma today lambasted Opposition Congress for disrupting the Monsoon Session of Parliament and creating impediments in running the routine business of the Lok Sabha.
Talking to reporters here, today, along with BJP general secretary and former Minister, Dr D K Manyal, Jugal said despite the hurdles created by Congress in running the routine business of the Lok Sabha in just concluded Monsoon Session of the Parliament some important bills were passed in the House. One among them included Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Amendment Bill 2023.

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Jugal said this was an important legislation and though Congress tried to create hurdles the Bill was passed by both the Houses of Parliament.
Making a scathing attack on Opposition Congress, Jugal said that the party never worked for the betterment and interests of countrymen but always gave preference to its vested interests at the cost of national interests. “This party during its over 60 years rule at the Centre never thought about the welfare of the people of the country but for the interests of party and how to promote the dynastic rule”, he added.
He said the party even tried to disrupt the speech of PM in the House but when it failed in its design it later staged a walkout from the Lok Sabha. The party has been totally exposed before the people, he added.
Jugal said however important business was transacted in the Parliament during the Session. He termed the role of Opposition parties led by Congress unfortunate. Jugal said despite the undemocratic role of Congress important bills one after other was passed by the House and total 23 bills got the nod of the House during the recently concluded Monsoon Session, he added.
Jugal said however some important bills needed the debate and discussion in the House which was not done due to the unfortunate role of Congress and other Opposition parties.
The MP said the Opposition brought the No Confidence Motion against the Prime Minister in the House and created ruckus in the Lok Sabha. They did not allow the House to function but when their designs failed and Prime Minister , Narendra Modi stood up to reply having no guts to face him they (Congress) staged a walkout.
Jugal said Congress and other Opposition parties are not talking about the national issues but only promoting a single person or dynasty which shows neither Congress nor other Opposition parties are behaving as responsible parties.
He said Prime Minister, Narendra Modi is working hard to strengthen and develop the nation.