Justice Magrey for revival of value based system in society

Justice Ali Mohd Magrey speaking during awareness programme at Srinagar.
Justice Ali Mohd Magrey speaking during awareness programme at Srinagar.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Dec 24: Jammu and Kashmir High Court Judge, Chairman Juvenile Justice Committee (JJC) High Court of J&K and Member National Legal Services Authority of India, Justice Ali Mohammad Magrey today stressed for revival of value based system in our society to prevent our children from getting into the substance abuse.
He said this during one day awareness programme on drug de-addiction, legal literacy through schools and women and child rights organised as per the plan of action formulated by the National Legal Services Authority (NLSA) of India and under the directions and guidance of Justice Magrey by Directorate of School Education Kashmir at Girls Higher Secondary School Kothibagh here.
Justice Magrey was the chief guest on the occasion while Secretary Juvenile Justice Committee and Principal District and Sessions Judge Abdul Rashid Malik, Director School Education Kashmir, M Younis Malik, S.P City (East) Sheema Nabi Qasba, Associate Professor Psychiatry, SKIMS Medical College Bemina Dr Majid, Panel lawyer Advocate Bisma Khan were present on the occasion.
The Chairman JJC said that despite Kashmir being a place of saints and sufis why our children have engaged into drug abuse and one of the main reasons for it is turning back to the values that we would have inherited from our elders.
Stressing for revival of value based systems in society, he said revival of values among ourselves is the sole remedy that can prevent our societal setup from further degradation which include drug addiction among youth, exploitation of women and children besides other social evils.
Divulging into the details, Justice Magrey said that our mission is that our children which are our future should be saved from drug abuse and for this we have organised awareness programme starting from education department itself with the reason that after parents, children receive education from schools and teachers play an important role in molding their future.
He called the teachers important pillars of the system and told them that their strength, dedication, commitment, loyalty, discipline will shape their future and complimented them that they are already in the process but more is required.
Stressing for making positive use of technology, Justice Magrey said that our students should make productive use of social media to the extent for making one a great scientist, famous doctor, educationist, bureaucrats and academicians who have earned name and fame in the world besides taking support from teachers, talented people around them rather than feeling shy.
Justice Magrey said that Legal literacy is important for our children as they don’t know their rights, rights of women, fundamental rights of the citizens, and the only objective of keeping these legal literacy clubs in educational institutions is that our experts will teach them there and these children will decimate the same among others.
On the occasion the students of the GHSS Kothibagh presented a Skit on drug addiction.
Principal GHSS Kothibagh, Prof Nusrat Bukhari presented vote of thanks to the guest for their august presence.