Justice Massodi administers oath to newly enrolled advocates

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 31: Under the guidance and instructions of Chief Justice (Chief Patron, State Judicial Academy) and Committee of Judges, (comprising Justice Muzaffar Hussain Attar, Chairman, Justice Hasnain Masoodi, Member and Justice Janak Raj Kotwal, Member), State Judicial Academy today organized oath ceremony and lecture on ‘Professional Ethics and Conduct’ for newly enrolled Advocates of Kashmir province.
Proceedings were conducted by Pawan Dev Kotwal, Director, State Judicial Academy.
Justice Hasnain Massodi, Member Committee, State Judicial Academy administered oath to the Advocates. Advocates subscribed to the oath and received absolute Advocates’ licenses after the oath ceremony.
The oath ceremony was followed by lecture on the “Professional Ethics” delivered by Justice Hasnain Massodi. He stressed upon the newly enrolled Advocates to adhere to the ethics and conduct rules framed by Bar Council of India. He further said that the lawyers are most important stakeholder of justice delivery system and therefore, they shall extend their best professional assistance to the courts for redressing the grievances of litigating public and ultimately for social order. He asked the freshers in the legal fraternity to work hard with honesty, devotion and dedication for the cause of justice.
Advocates asked many questions on Civil and Criminal Laws to the Resource person, who answered the same to their satisfaction.