Juvenile justice system

Following Nirbhai’s shocking incident , followed by the trial whereby two of the main accused were treated as juveniles and sent to reform homes instead of being given exemplary punishment , a need was felt to amend the juvenile justice system and lower the age of a juvenile to 16 from 18 and to be tried in regular courts.
The Juvenile Justice Bill having got nod from the union cabinet empowers the Juvenile justice Board to try a juvenile above 16 years in a regular court for committing a heinous crime like rape, murder etc. It is a welcome step but a few organizations claiming to promote human rights and child rights are opposing the move especially on TV channels. This is a negative approach and gives strength to the criminal mind set to commit crimes of heinous nature and get out from the clutches of law. We should go in all support to the Government.
Yours etc…
Sunil Sharma