K-oil quota enhancement taken up with Centre: Zulfkar

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 29: Minister for CA&PD, Ch Zulfkar today informed the Lower House that no date has been fixed for issuance of ration cards to the left out families of 2011 Census, adding that same would be considered only after adoption of census figure of 2011 and subsequent release of additional food grains accordingly by the Centre.
Replying to a question by Vikar Rasool, the Minister said the reasons for delay in sanctioning the ration quota to the left out families as per census 2011 including Banihal constituency is that the quota of ration is being allocated to the State as per the projected population of the year 2000 and not on the basis of 2011-census.
The Minister informed that Oil Companies viz IOCL, HPCL and BPCL have identified locations for opening of new LPG out lets in the State as per their own norms under RGGLVY. He said 36 outlets have been established  and CA&PD Department has very limited role in the identification of sites for opening new LPG outlets.
The Minister said enhancement of quota of K.oil has been taken up with Centre from time to time, adding that as and when same is enhanced by the Centre only then it can be considered for enhancement by the State Government.
The Minister said to ensure regular, adequate and timely supply of ration to the TPDS families in the State, the allocation of the food grains are being made in advance, release orders are being procured from FCI and lifting in advance is being ensured by or before the end of previous month of allocation to ensure distribution of food grains from 1st day of the allocation month to the rationees. He said similarly, the allotment of K.oil quota is allotted to both the Directors mostly by 1st or 2nd working day of every month and thereafter the Directors of CA&PD Kashmir and Jammu allocate the quota to the districts immediately to ensure that the quota is fully lifted and distributed among the rationees well in time. He said adequate supply of LPG is being made by Oil companies / Gas agencies in all the districts and it is being monitored jointly by the CA&PD Department and oil companies.
The Minister further informed that there is no shortage/scarcity of ration in Chenab valley including Banihal constituency. He said full scale of 35 kg per family per month is being maintained under BPL and AAY categories in the area. He, however, said that meagre short fall of food grains under KPL category is experienced which is supplemented by additional/adhoc allocations in the area of Chenab valley.