Kaleeth firing range

Is not the State Government or its Revenue Department disposed to renew ten-year extension lease deal of 88,000 hectares of Government land to the Army in Kaleeth, Akhnoor range, which is being used for firing range? We would like to know from the State Revenue Department the reason why the lease has not been renewed which has expired in June 2014 after the completion of the previous lease of ten years? It is not a small chunk of land. Here is the training ground for artillery, mortar and other heavy weapon firing. It has been in use since 1974 and the entire area is littered with live or dead shells.
We have to remember that firing practice is of vital importance to the soldiers. If the State Government did not intend to renew the lease, it should have conveyed the same to the Army in good time so that alternative site with adequate area and other logistical requirements were provided. As per reports, the Army has started defusing the live shells and an elaborate mechanism has been put in place to make the firing range safe and clear. The State Government must come out with a clear commitment whether it wants to renew the lease or not. We believe that matters that are of crucial importance to the security of the country and the State should not be politicized. It is causing demoralization. This is no ordinary firing range; artillery, mortar and infantry weapon firing practice takes place here. On its part, the Army stopped practice of firing precisely from the date on which the existing lease expired. The Revenue Department should have of its own extended the lease and not waited for the Army to write to it for the same. Six months have gone by when the Army asked for renewal of the lease deal and there is no response from the State Government.
We would like to impress upon the Government authorities to understand the importance of the case and its impact. No time should be wasted in extending the lease for ten years as has been the practice in the past. At present the firing range has squeezed within 8000 hectares which makes no sense.
If the State Government really wants to take back this particular land for some other purpose, it should provide the alternative where firing range will be shifted. It should not be very difficult for the revenue officers to identify a suitable place in case they want the present site for some more important and unavoidable purpose. The issue should be resolved as early as possible.