Kargil observes complete ‘bandh’ to mourn martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

People taking out a procession through Kargil town in mourning of the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. -Excelsior/Basharat Ladakhi
People taking out a procession through Kargil town in mourning of the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. -Excelsior/Basharat Ladakhi

Excelsior Correspondent

KARGIL, Sept 29: In a display of unity and grief, the town of Kargil came to a complete standstill today following a ‘bandh’ called by the Jamiat Ul Ullama Isna Ashriya Kargil (JUIAK) Ladakh.

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The ‘bandh’ was observed after the tragic news of the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, a revered leader whose passing has caused a profound loss for Islam. The Day’s events began with a special ‘Majlis e Fatiah’ organized at the Isna Ashriya campus, where the community gathered to offer prayers for the departed soul.
This was followed by a large-scale protest and mourning procession led by Sheikh Nazir Mehdi Mohammadi, president of JUIAK Ladakh, with thousands of people from across the region participating in the tribute to the fallen leader.
Addressing the mourners, Sheikh Nazir Mehdi Mohammadi paid homage to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, stating: “Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was not only a great leader for Lebanon but for the entire Muslim Ummah. His insight, courage, and leadership were unparalleled. His life was dedicated to the religion of Islam, the defense of the oppressed, and the war between right and wrong. His martyrdom is a symbol of the greatness of his mission.”
Sheikh Nazir further condemned the ongoing terrorist activities by Israel in Palestine and Lebanon, denouncing the targeted attacks on civilian populations. He called for continued resistance and solidarity against such aggressions and urged the Muslim Ummah to remain steadfast in defending the oppressed.
The ‘bandh’ and the subsequent protest procession reflect the deep emotional impact of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s martyrdom on the people of Kargil and Ladakh, as well as their firm stance against oppression and terrorism in the region.