Kartarpur corridor to help in normalizing Indo-Pak relation: APSCC

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Nov 26: All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) today welcomed the opening up of Kartarpur corridor and said that the step would help a lot in normalizing the strained relations between India and Pakistan.
In a statement, APSCC Chairman, Jagmohan Singh Raina said that people of Kashmir especially the members of Sikh community are quite ecstatic over the development.
He said the move would help the Sikhs of India to move towards the different religious places located in Pakistan.
“It is quite heartwarming that Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan proposed the opening of Kartarpur corridor and the same was reciprocated with warm gesture by the Government of India. This shows that both the countries are quite serious in fostering good relations with each other,” said Raina.
He said relations between India and Pakistan can be brought to normal level if the premiers of two countries listen to the message of peace and brotherhood in right earnest. “It is important that Government of India reciprocates the goodwill gesture of Pakistan and opens up places of religious importance so that they are visited by people of that country and other countries as well. This would give a new fillip to the strained relations between the two neighboring countries,” said Raina.
The APSCC Chairman said that Sikhs of India especially those living in Jammu & Kashmir are quite happy over the opening of Kartarpur corridor and members of the community are eagerly waiting to visit places of religious importance located on the other side of the border.