Kashmir as integral part of India as other 29 States: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a function during launch of Mudra Yojna at Jammu on Saturday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a function during launch of Mudra Yojna at Jammu on Saturday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Oct 14: Hitting out at separatists and other opposition parties for raking up Kashmir issue time and again, Union Minister of State in PMO, with Independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh today said that there is no issue as Kashmir.
In an exclusive interview to Excelsior News Channel, Dr Jitendra Singh said J&K is as integral part of India as other 29 States of country are. Without making any reference to National Conference (NC), Dr Singh said those who say Kashmir is an issue are doing so for their vested interests.

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“When these people are in power they say Kashmir is not an issue but an integral part of India and when they are out of power they say it is an issue”, he lamented.
Terming the so-called freedom struggle of Kashmir totally farce and mercenary, the Union Minister said let so -called freedom fighters of Kashmir say that what module of freedom struggle they were pursuing. “Is it the module of Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela?”, they asked.
Dr Singh, who reached here this morning to participate in Passport Adalat Mela at Passport Office, Gandhi Nagar and launch of Mudhra Yojna programme organised by J&K Bank at Convention Centre at Canal road here, said the youth of Kashmir want to be the part of development started by Modi Government in entire country. He expressed hope that the youth of Kashmir will come out of these shackles and join the developmental programme of the Modi Government for their better future and prosperity.
Terming the Rohingyas a security risk, Dr Jitendra Singh said that Government has a clear stand on the issue. He accused the previous Congress and NC Government who, he alleged, brought them here by a design. “These two parties  are liable to answer before the public now for their omission and commission”, Dr Singh added.
He, while lashing out at NC, said the party changes its stand on issues from Srinagar to Delhi. “It gives one statement in Valley, another in Jammu and totally talks different language in Delhi”, he added.
Castigating Congress leaders for tactfully supporting Rohingyas, Dr Jitendra Singh said the party should clear its stand on the settlement of West Pak refugees who have not been given the citizenship rights for last 70 years now. He said Congress has no problem with Rohingyas but they are opposed to settlement of West Pak refugees which is an eye opener for Jammu people.
Earlier talking to reporters on the sidelines of two functions, Dr Jitendra Singh complimented security forces for doing commendable job in counter terror operations. Besides, security forces SOG of J&K Police is also doing a great job and it is working shoulder to shoulder with other forces in elimination of terrorists, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said today the lifespan of terrorist commander has shortened and it is going to be last phase of militancy in Kashmir valley as the security forces are fighting with great dedication.
On Pakistan for targeting civilians, he said more Pakistan will stay in denial mode, more they will risk their own security.
He said militancy in Jammu and Kashmir was in its “last phase” and that “militants are on the run”.
“They (Militants) are on the run and are under tremendous pressure. I am sure that this is going to be the last phase of militancy in the State,” he added.
The Union Minister said that the security forces had been successful in effecting a positive change in the security situation.
Replying to a question about Pakistan making desperate attempts to keep the pot of militancy boiling in the State, Dr Singh said, “this speaks of their (Pakistan) helplessness and despair.”
On the Supreme Court judgement on the issue of Rohingya immigrants, the Union Minister said, “As far as the BJP and its Government are concerned, we are very clear about it…The security concern is the prime concern for all of us including those of us who have stakes in Jammu and Kashmir, where you have a sizable population of Rohingyas.”
He said it was “not the right interpretation” to say that Rohingyas are not to be deported from India.
The Supreme Court “has said that there was security concern and at the same time, there is a human angle that is to be kept in the mind,” he said, adding that “judicious view of the entire matter will be taken”.
Reacting to the diktat of Majlis Shoura that boys and girls should not study together, the Minister said, “without intruding into anybody’s religious prerogative, as far as we are concerned, we believe in policy of justice for all and appeasement to none.”
“We live in a democratic country and heterogeneous society, where gender equality is inherent… I think concerned agencies will take cognisance of it,” he said.
To a question on separatist leader Asiya Andrabi’s photo being showcased in a Government poster, he said, “The Government has taken serious view of it and taken action also. It is condemnable.”
Singh said the Congress was raising frivolous issues in Gujarat ahead of the Assembly polls later this year.
“The Congress was totally demoralised (in Gujarat) and they are trying to find various futile issues…When they flagged various futile issues during Rahul Gandhi’s three-day visit to Gujarat, I told them this is childish behaviour, which do not mean anything to us,” he said.
“As far as (BJP president) Amit Shah and his son are concerned, instead of the opposition’s demand for a probe, his son has gone to court with a defamation suit and let them put their views in the court or prove it,” Singh said.
When asked to comment on induction of Rahul Gandhi as AICC chief, Dr Jitendra Singh without commenting on it, said that it was Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah who have brought resurgence of grass root politics in the country. “Like Congress, in BJP you can’t say who will be the president of the Party”, he added.
The Union Minister said “it is BJP which created democratic character and other parties sooner or later have to adopt it”. In 2018 there will be 2.50 crore youth who will become new voters and they don’t carry any baggage of past and we have to mould ourselves to the aspirations of the youth.
Earlier addressing the function at Passport Office, the Union Minister said that the Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj has started a scheme of opening passport Sewakendras at district level in Post Offices and such a Sewa Kendra was recently opened at Udhampur. It will be followed by opening with another office at Kathua and then in Baramulla in Kashmir valley and Kargil in Ladakh region, he added.
He said there are 700 districts in the country and every district will have one Passport Office for facilitation of the people.
Appreciating the initiative of Regional Passport Officer, Vimarsh Aryan, he said opening of passport Adalat is a new trend and it needs publicity so that more and more people come forward to take advantage.
In his address Vimarsh Aryan said that Passport Adalat has been organised to clear passport applications pending due to certain reasons. The PSK has registered 240 applications today and has issued over 37,000 passports this year, he added.
He appealed the people to come forward and share their grievances with the PSK so that one time solution can be provided to their problems. Deputy Passport Officer Syed Sehrish Asgar and other officers of PSK were present on the occasion.
Later addressing the launch of Mudra Yojna, Dr Jitendra Singh took a dig at opposition for misleading the people that Jammu is being discriminated against and said that maximum schemes and projects were brought in Jammu during Modi rule which the Congress failed to do in last 70 years of its rule.
He asked the people of Jammu especially youth not to get misled by Opposition propaganda and seize opportunity offered by Modi Government. He said this Government trusts the youth most.
He said those who say that Modi Government did nothing for J&K youth should say what they did in 70 years of their rule except serving a particular dynasty from grandfather to grandson.
Highlighting the various policies and welfare programmes launched by Modi Government, he said “we are for the welfare of poor and downtrodden. We have not tried to eliminate poverty by through our schemes we tried to empower the poor so that they can themselves remove their poverty and provide jobs to others”.
He said instead of employment the employability is priority of this Government.
Addressing the gathering, Ajay Nanda Minister of State for Finance highlighted the various schemes launched by the Modi Government for welfare of the people.
Chairman J&K Bank,  Parvez Ahmed termed the Mudra Yojna an ambitious project launched by GoI in 2015 which is primarily designed to address the employment issue of the country and change landscape of country’s economy.
Mission Director State, Shad Salim also spoke on the occasion while among others Ashok Dogra, Deputy Secretary in Department of Finance Services GoI and A K Mattoo Officer Incharge RBI were also present.