Kashmir a spiritual clearing house: Purohit

CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit on Saturday inaugurated an exhibition of rare photographs titled ‘Kashmir, the Crown of  India’ and released the students awareness Book ‘Incredible Kashmir’ and said Kashmir has been a spiritual clearing house.      

Speaking on the occasion, he said right from ancient times, Kashmir has been a spiritual clearing house, a laboratory to nourish and shape new  thoughts and a place where scholars used to converse and analyse to develop the thinking process, language, logic, aesthetics, religions,  philosophies, music, dance  etc.       

Scholars and spiritual leaders from Kashmir used to journey from Kashmir to various parts of India and Central Asia, like China, Russia, Tibet and Afghanistan and exchange ideas, he said. Kashmir was thus a great seat of learning and higher education in the past, he added.      

”Students from various parts of India, studied at the university attached to SharadaPeeth in Kashmir valley. According to several Tibetian and  Chinese chronicles, thousands of pilgrims and scholars used to visit Kashmir for higher learning”, the Governor said. (AGENCIES)