Kashmira Vahini resolves to intensify homeland struggle

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 10: Kashmira Vahini (KV) in its executive meeting here today, resolved to intensify and support the ongoing KP struggle for separate homeland for seven lakh Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley.
The meeting was chaired by Mrs Sushma Reshi, organizing secretary of KV.
Highlighting the role of Kashmiri Pandit women in exile Mrs Kirti Kalla kick started a massive contact drive of KV to reach out to 5000 displaced Kashmiri Pandit women across Jammu for membership and appointing 100 co-ordinators for the organizational  activities.
Dr Kshama Kaul, the national spokesperson KV expressed her pleasure that the idea of KV’s historic resolution suggesting adoption of three child norm for displaced KPs who are faced with a threat of extinction in terms of their fast dwindling population is being favorably discussed in the community and endorsed by sister organizations.
Gaytri Hashya and Vijay Khoda the other functionaries of organization said that this year’s Lok Sewa Samman will be conferred to P L Handoo,  Naina Saproo, Kirti Kalla and Satisar Foundation.
Nirmala Tikku cultural secretary highlighted the need to intensify the collective efforts to get the long pending sufferings of the Jagti inmates redressed. Referring towards the policy of neglect and apathy of all the successive State and Central Governments towards the unemployed youth she stressed the need to create massive awareness about the discriminatoray attitude of the Government towards the community.
Sushma Rishi announced holding of second All India KP Women conference in Jammu to finalise the future course of action for consolidation of exiled women force in India and abroad for ultimate reclamation of homeland.