Kashmiri displaced woman seeks PM’s intervention for permission to purchase land

KANGRA, July 12:

A 61-year-old Kashmiri displaced woman, who has been living here for around a decade, has shot a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, seeking his intervention to purchase land in this hill State.
The woman, wife of one is Autar Krishen, said that she had migrated to Kangra in 1990, following the terrorist holocaust in Kashmir valley and since then, was staying here. Mr Krishen said she had been moving from pillar to post, seeking permission from the State Government under Section 118 of HP Tenancy and Land Reforms Act 1972, but the Government conceded that her files were untraced on Government level and she has been asked to apply afresh, which she can’t do with the amended rules.
She said she had applied in 2008 for granting of permission to purchase land in Jogipur locality for constructing a residential house here. She said following an RTI, it came to limelight  that the State Government  in a letter to the Deputy Commissioner, Kangra, conceded that the initial proposal  of Jaya could not be traced at the Government level, hence it will be appropriate that a fresh case may be prepared and referred to the Gvernment, along with Revenue papers and records, for consideration.
Jaya disclosed that Additional Chief Secretary (Revenue) in a letter No Rev D (F) 11-3/2016 dated 11-4-2016 to DC Kangra had said ”Case file is not available presently at HP Secretariat” and directed the DC, Kangra to ”settle the case at his own level”. She said in her letter that it was surprising that the competent authority to grant permission under Section 118 was the State Government and not the Deputy Commissioner.
The irony was that it was in reply to another RTI letter No 402/RTI-1 SR -15 dated 21-6-2016, it came to the light that the file related with the case with the District Revenue Officer Dharamshala was also missing, Ms Krishen noted. She said submitting a fresh case was difficult for her, as the rules of 2008 were amended, requiring a person to have 30 years working in the State for purchasing a land, whereas she was here for 28 years only.
It was for the negligence of the Revenue department that both files were missing and she was being forced to submit a fresh case. She sought an intervention on humanitarian grounds from Mr Modi for bailing her out from the trauma. (UNI)