Kashmiri language

To learn a language is good but not at the sake of one’s own mother tongue. Learning of Kashmiri language in Jammu Division is as difficult as learning of Tamil or Malayalam. Deptt of Higher Education has ordered conversion of 49 existing vacancies of Asstt Professors for Kashmiri language and literature.
The intention of Govt seems to impose Kashmiri in Jammu Division in a phased manner. It may  be mentioned here that Dogri language is also included in VIIIth schedule of Indian Constitution. It should be promoted  atleast  in Jammu  Division. Our research scholars do opt for Dogri rather than other options so as to promote own mother tongue. Their future is at stake as no vacancies are being released for Dogri. In order to avoid agitations by public in Jammu Division Govt may cancel the conversion of existing vacancies for Kashmiri language in Jammu Division and maintain status quo. The posts for Dogri language be created in Jammu Division.
Yours etc…..
Ayodhya Nath Kerni
Housing Colony Udhampur