Kashmiri Pandits stage protest in Jammu against terrorist attack on community member

Jammu, Apr 6: An organisation of Kashmiri Pandits staged a demonstration here on Wednesday, protesting against the recent terrorist attack on a community member in Kashmir Valley.
The Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj (YAIKS) said the attack on Bal Krishan Bhat in Shopian in Jammu and Kashmir on Monday was orchestrated at the behest of Pakistan to instil fear in Kashmiri Pandits.
Bhat suffered injuries when terrorists shot at him outside his medical store in Chotigam, and was undergoing treatment at an Army facility in Srinagar.
Kashmiri Pandits are targeted in the valley “whenever some prominent persons from the government or outside speak about their return”, YAIKS president R K Bhat said.
“It should serve as an eye-opener that there are elements who are against our return. We are not anymore afraid. We are determined to return to our roots and request the prime minister to announce a comprehensive rehabilitation policy for the community after discussing with our representatives,” he said.
The YAIKS president appealed to Kashmir-based political parties, religious preachers and the civil society to come forward and lend their support to the fight these destructive forces. (Agencies)