Kashmir’s survival at stake: Farooq

NC patron Farooq Abdullah addressing election rally in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district on Tuesday. -Excelsior/ Shakeel
NC patron Farooq Abdullah addressing election rally in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district on Tuesday. -Excelsior/ Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 4: National Conference president and former Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah today said that the upcoming Parliamentary by-polls presented a historic opportunity to fight against the wave of tyranny and fascism sweeping across the country.
Addressing successive public meetings in Khan Sahib Assembly Segment of Budgam and Safa Kadal in Eidgah, Srinagar today, Dr Abdullah said Kashmir’s very survival was at stake and this was our collective moment of reckoning in a battle of dignity, honour and prestige.
“This is no ordinary election where two parties contest against each other based on their particular ideologies. This election is a war of survival between fascism and dignity between BJP’s cultural and tyrannical onslaught on one end and Kashmir’s collective honour and prestige on the other end. We are fighting this battle against those forces that have defamed our youth, robbed them of their dignity and eyesight and attacked our cultural and religious legacy of tolerance and co-existence”, Dr Abdullah said.
He further said that PDP’s alliance with the BJP had brought the State at the crossroads of political suppression and uncertainty as basic liberties and rights of the people had been unofficially suspended under a chronic anti-Kashmir agenda that has been harboured by the RSS ever since 1947.
“These are the same people who always questioned the State’s special status, its flag and its very regional political identity and have always advocated its complete abrogation. By aligning with them, PDP has provided them a space to attack us from within and weaken us internally and for this the people can never forgive them”, Dr Abdullah added.
“Today the fact of the matter is that BJP has three legislators from Kashmir valley all thanks to PDP’s support in MLC elections. A party which couldn’t register a basic electoral presence anywhere in Kashmir has been gifted three legislator seats in the Valley by the PDP,” Farooq said.
“The future of our children is in peril. We have to wage this political and democratic war of courage to ensure their future isn’t one of darkness and servitude under these forces who leave no stone unturned to suppress, intimidate and vilify us – our faith, our history and our social ethos. We owe it to our future generation to rise and rise against tyranny and fascism lest our children have to suffer on account of our failure to defeat these forces today”, the NC president said.
The public meetings were also addressed by NC working president Omar Abdullah, and other leaders- Ali Mohammad Sagar, Mubarak Gul, Mir Saifullah, Nasir Aslam Wani, Ghulam Nabi Monga and Manzoor Ahmed Wani.