Kathua victim of neglect: Dr Jitendra

Dr Jitendra Singh addressing BJP rally at Kathua on Friday.
Dr Jitendra Singh addressing BJP rally at Kathua on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent
KATHUA, Mar 7:  BJP Lok Sabha candidate for Udhampur-Kathua Constituency, Dr. Jitendra Singh today said that Kathua is a victim of dual injustice because of State Government’s negligence on one hand and on the other hand, cross border mischief from Pakistan.
Addressing a series of over ten massive road-shows at Kugwal, Hiranagar, Dayalachak, Chadwal, Rajbagh, Nagri and other places in addition to a huge  rally in Kathua city, he said the problems of development and refugees have remained perpetually unattended in the entire district.
Pledging to liberate the Indian democracy from the clutches of corruption, mis- governance and dynasty rule, Dr. Jitendra Singh said, unlike other political parties, BJP is the only political party which is going to the polls with an appeal to “Vote for India”. BJP is a cadre based party which follows the principle of “Nation first, Party second and Self last”, he added.
Dr. Jitendra Singh said, with the youth comprising more than 60% of country’s population, only a BJP Government headed by Narendra Modi will be capable of providing equal opportunities and justice to all. If BJP is given a chance to represent the constituency in the Lok Sabha, Dr. Jitendra Singh said, it will raise the voice of the region in the highest forum of the country.
Avinash Rai Khanna, MP and party incharge for the State while addressing the people, said that BJP is going to win this election with a huge margin as the anguish among people for the ruling party has reached a saturation point and it is really high time to vote for BJP as it is the only party which has development plans for the people of the country for which the people are aspiring from a long time.
Describing Dr Jitendra Singh as a man of high integrity, intellect, polite behaviour, and selfless commitment, Khanna appealed to vote for him so that the State of J&K has appropriate representation in the Parliament.
MLA Hiranagar Durga Dass,  Rajeev Jasrotia, BJP State general secretary, Karan Singh, Kissan Morcha State president, Ravinder Raina, BJYM State president, Priya Sethi, Mahilla Morcha State president, advocate Vijay  Sharma, District president, Satish Sharma, Morcha Parbhari, Aseem Gupta, State publicity secretary, Prem Nath Dogra, Distt vice President Er. Ashwani Khosla among others were present.