KCCI seeks rehabilitation of artisans

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Mar 25: Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KCCI) today expressed its concern about the dwindling state of Kashmiri handicrafts and the miseries that the handicraft artisans are going through over the past three years.
A KCCI statement said the role and importance of the handicraft in the Kashmir economics as always has been remarkable in degree even during the worst phase of turmoil in the State through past three decades.
Appreciating its will and resilience to survive Kashmir handicraft artisans have proved over the years, the KCCI reiterated its demand to the State and Central Government to come forward to give a helping hand to handicraft artisans including carpet weavers, Pashmina/Shawl weavers, paper mache workers, wood carvers, embroidery/crewel workers or namdha makers.
The Chamber urged the Government to rescue the artisans from drowning in debts and have the loans granted to them remitted by the banks/financial institutions.
The Chamber, said the statement, would at the same time urge the State Government to rejuvenate the Government Arts Emporium (JK Handicraft Corporation) with the grant of a revolving fund of not less than Rs. 30 crores for buying the Kashmir handicrafts from the artisans/ weavers for sale at the Emporium branches spread all over the country as it is pertinent with a view to aggrandize the precious hand-crafted products with the seal of authenticity, quality assurance and genuineness from the government for the customers satisfaction and creating larger demand for the handicraft products.