Keep city clean

It was quite disappointing to learn that the Jammu city has been declared as the dirtiest city in the country in Swacch Bharat Survey.
It reflects poor civic conditions of a city which is known as ‘City of Temple’. Besides, It is a wake-up call for not only Jammu Municipal Corporation, responsible for keeping city clean, but also the citizens. The city may remain dirty as long as people and Government agency do not frame a mechanism to keep the city clean. People here are not much aware regarding disposing off garbage in a scientific manner. People have been dumping garbage carelessly here and there without knowing its consequences.  With the result, huge garbage dumps are seen here and there where stray cattle are seen foraging for food.
The city should have been kept clean in view of huge number of pilgrims visiting the city every day.
The JMC must launch an awareness campaign in the city so that people come forward to make this one of the cleanest city in the country.
Yours etc…
Amit Parihar