Khajuria lambasts Omar, Mehbooba for launching tirade against BJP Govt

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 16: Senior BJP leader and ex president of the party, Ashok Khajuria today lambasted the Kashmir centric parties especially National Conference (NC) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for launching a tirade against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led Union Government.
In a statement issued here the BJP leader said the leaders of both parties including former Chief Ministers, Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti are hoodwinking and exploiting the sentiments of Kashmiri people for their vested interests once again forgetting that both these parties are responsible for over three decade long turmoil in the J&K.
Khajuria, while challenging the leaders of the two parties alleged that they were speaking the language of Pakistan while strongly rejecting talks with the neighboring country which he said has waged a proxy war against India since 1989 and was still sending armed desperados to J&K.
He said the political parties advocating for talks with rouge country are playing with national interests. He also criticized the leaders of two parties for misleading people of Kashmir on unique alpha numbering code and said this has nothing to do with the particular identity of the people of the UT.
Criticising Omar Abdullah for stating that if NC comes to power it will repeal Public Safety Act (PSA), Khajuria reminded him that it was his grandfather and former Chief Minister, Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah who implemented this law in J&K to harass his political opponents and put them behind the bars. The NC has no right to talk about draconian laws when all such laws were brought by NC Government in the erstwhile State to suppress the democratic rights of the people.
The NC in league with Congress rigged the Assembly elections in 1987 and the outcome was present turmoil as the two parties did not tolerate their opponents. He said how long NC and PDP leaders will befool the people of Kashmir and made it clear that taking the undue advantage of special status of J&K, the leaders of these parties looted the resources of the erstwhile State and now they are in great desperation after annulling of the special status of the J&K by Narendra Modi Government to bring J&K at par with other states and UTs of the country for its speedy progress and development.