Khanna, Sethi, others address party meetings at Rajouri

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 6: Continuing with their tour of Rajouri-Poonch area, the BJP National vice-President and Prabari, J&K Avinash Rai Khanna, State Vice-President Yudhvir Sethi, Vice Chairman Pahari Board ( MoS) Kuldeep Raj Gupta, MLC Vivodh Gupta, senior BJP leader Choudhary Talib Hussain and  BJP leader Rajinder Gupta today chaired party meetings at Rajouri.
While addressing the meeting, Avinash Rai Khanna said that the party is committed to give  girl child equal opportunities and called upon the party cadres to work towards making the central mission of ‘Beti Padao Beti Bachao’ a grand success in the region. He said that in recently declared results of the State examination the girls have proved their capability and it is need of the hour to provide the girl child all required environment for studies and growth.
He asked the party activists to work for establishing a class less society and reach out to the marginalized and downtrodden sections of the society, adding that the nation can only progress when all sections of the society move along collectively.
Speaking on the occasion, Yudhvir Sethi said that it for the first time the Central Government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has initiated public welfare scheme for the poor, marginalized, laborers, artisans and other such working class people and the party cadres should now work to educate people at ground level so that the benefit of such schemes reach out to maximum number of people.