Khurshid, Farooq review status of World Bank funded projects

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Sept 18: Commissioner Secretary PWD Khurshid Ahmad Shah and Secretary Disaster Management Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (DMRRR) Farooq Ahmad Shah today held a meeting to review the status of World Bank funded projects in the State.
The meeting was attended by Development Commissioner Works Satish Razdan, CEO JTFRP Vinod Sharma, MD JKPCC Viquar Shunthoo and other officers and officials.
The meeting was informed that four bridges have been approved by World Bank for funding, which includes Wayil Bridge and Sadoora Bridge in Kashmir and one each in Jammu district and Poonch district. The Commissioner Secretary and Secretary DMRRR directed the officials to start the tendering process of the bridges at the earliest.
Furthermore, preliminary work on seven more bridges and 12 roads will be undertaken so that they too are approved and groundwork started soon. They directed the officials to complete the consultancy work on the project and prepare DPRs at the earliest.
They also directed the JKPCC to stick to the deadline and complete eight bridges and three roads, under its execution, within the stipulated timeframe. They also directed the officials to try to complete the projects of public importance like Schools, hospitals, bridges, roads, buildings silk factory Rajbagh, Silk Factory Solina before the official deadline.