Kill pollution before it kills you

Prof Junaid Jazib
Man, like all other creatures on the planet, need a sound and salubrious surroundings for a healthy and continued existence. Soil, water and air form the structural framework of ecological settings where life exists, survives and thrives in. These elements constituting crucial ecological functionaries and subsystems of a greater environmental complex are required to remain in an undistorted and balanced form.
Man is both creature and moulder of his environment. He derives everything for his survival from his surroundings and dumps in it every sort of waste he generates. In the process of due and undue human interferences, environment has been subjected to severe exploitation. He, undoubtedly, has been exploiting it since his appearance on the scene but the rapid scientific and technological developments in during recent times have invited and empowered man to transform his surroundings in a countless ways and on an unprecedented scale. The resultant situation has rendered natural environment unfit and unsafe not only for man but for entire spectrum of life on the earth.
The environmental setup, that surrounds man on all sides, actually forms a life-support-system which makes this planet unique in having life on it. This complex system needs little or no outside interference for its stability. Unwarranted human intrusions have caused deep and wide disruptions in functioning of natural ecological systems. Declining natural resources, drastically raised levels of green house gases, an unusual warming of the planet, melting of polar ice caps, rising of sea level, harsher weather conditions, thinning of ozone shield, deteriorating soils, fresh-water becoming a scarce commodity and disappearance of species after species, etc are the distressing indicators of the present environmental situation on our planet. In crazy race of economic progress man has, inconsiderately, sacrificed what actually formed the basis for his economic progression and advancements.
Acquisition of sophisticated luxuries has cost him the very basics of life. For these undreamed comforts he has paid in terms of pure air, pure water and pure land. With aerial and space travelling facilities, air-conditioned abodes, sky-high crop productivities, fingertip-based technologies, etc we have also with us toxic water, poisoned air and contaminated land. Natural resources which stand central for human subsistence and sustenance have been squeezed into pitiable limits. This state of affairs has ushered humanity into an era of incessant conflicts and crises.
The environmental complicacies are altogether different from all other types of crises facing humanity. They are local in their origin but global in consequences. Likewise, ecological wrongdoings of the individuals may drag nations and regions into the arena of sufferings. Again, speaking ecologically, all natural resources possessed by the individuals or individual groups are simultaneously owned by the international community too. Release of a toxic in one part of the earth may emerge and prove detrimental anywhere and everywhere in the world. Ozone depleted in Antarctica-the southernmost corner of globe-is, for example, caused and enhanced by CFCs and other harmful gases released mostly in the northern hemisphere. Recent tropical cyclones, Kashmir and Uttrakhand floods, Indonesia tsunamis etc are few of the manifestations of a cumulative ecological disturbances world over.
Indiscriminate dumping of wastes into environment is the worst of man’s intrusive activities. It’s what ultimately results in pollution which is the deadliest environmental threat that is endangering life on the planet. It involves terrible consequences in countless manifestations. Agricultural crops, human health, soil fertility, economic growth, ecosystem functioning, microbial populations, biodiversity, climatic norms, heritage structures, etc etc are all at receiving end of poisoning pollutants and their products. As per the UNEP reports, 92 per cent of the global population live in places with unhealthy air quality. 9 out of every 10 persons in the world are exposed to serious impacts of air pollution. Morbidities and mortalities attributed to pollutants are on a regular rise. Every eight person dying is because of air pollution. Indoor air pollution kills 4.3 million people every year. Billions upon trillions of dollars are annually consumed directly or indirectly by pollution related diseases and destructions. Billions of dollars are lost yearly to crop damages. National situation is no different from global state of affairs. Our top metropolitans also top among world’s most polluted places. Deaths due to air and water pollution in India are no less from any other country. We are the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world.
A safe and clean ambiance comprising of clean soil, clean water and clean air is the basic essentiality of life. A safe and healthy environment is indispensable for man’s survival and prosperity. It should be free from poisonous and harmful additives contributed by other than us. Who will ensure us the availability of a safe and salubrious environment? Does the responsibility lie with the Governments? And if yes, so to speak, are the Governments really capable of shouldering and executing this kind of an assignment. No doubt, it has been recognized in the international echelon that the active Governmental involvement in this regard is now inevitable. But the question of governments’ achievements in this regard is rather intricately linked to the day to day activities of common and elite citizenries across the world.
If eco-crises confronting the humanity are to be reversed or tackled with, every citizen of the world requires to be alerted, informed and awakened. Humanity has to come closer to act rationally and wisely for the sake of its own survival. The attitudinal change has to be invoked among individuals and the society. Every individual has to qualify, in his thoughts and actions, for the global citizenship. He has to act constructively, at his lowest level and in his individual capacity, for himself and for the humanity. Planting a tree, avoiding wastage, being kind to nature, sticking to ethics, adopting simplicity, etc. are the simplest but principally the surest eco-friendly and humanity-saving activities.
(The author is HoD, Deptt of Env Sc GDC Thannamandi, Rajouri)