Killing of Army Jawans

This is in reference to the news item regarding frequent killing of Indian army and security forces jawans by terrorists. Jammu and Kashmir state has been bleeding due to the Pakistan sponsored terrorism since the ninetees and has resulted into mass scale migration of  Kashmiri Pandits from the valley. Country has seen abrupt increase in the terrorist activities after Pathankot Air Base attack. The abrupt increase in the recent terrorist incidents in the valley, clearly indicates the role of the local population  in preventing army jawans reach or eliminate the terrorists or lift the injured jawans for treatment and provide the terrorists a safe passage to escape unhurt from the scene. This has made it clear that but for the sympathies of the local population, the harbours and pseudo secularist politicians the terrorists would not have succeeded in making the situation in the valley volatile.
Therefore the persons with illegal weapons using against the country, those giving shelter to the militants, stone pelters, and helping the terrorists escape unhurt must be dealt like terrorists.
Yours etc….
Shiv Kumar Padha