Kishtwar Sapphire Mines project


The captioned project conceived many years ago has more or less remained in a state of limbo and not received the due attention it deserved. It is fairly known that the potential of the said mines could result into wider economic activities and benefit the region once the project gets operational. Right from 2014 when the process of Global Tendering etc for extraction of famous Sapphire from the mines of Paddar tehsil in Kishtwar was initiated , no headway was seen to have been made. However, Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh having recently taken up the issue of the concerned project at a high level Governing Body meeting of the National Mineral Exploration Trust has generated enough hopes about the project getting on rails soon to ultimately start extraction. Alleviating certain reservations and constraints of the UT Government in respect of taking the project to functional mode , Dr. Singh has sought the intervention of the concerned Union Minister for looking into and sorting out the issues. Exploration through the help of the National Mineral Exploration Trust being mooted would ultimately lead to exploration and extraction process