KP bodies appeal community to gear up for struggle

Leaders of various KP organisations at a one day conference at Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Leaders of various KP organisations at a one day conference at Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 29: Evolving a comprehensive strategy for redressal of core issues faced by exiled Pandits, the leaders of various KP organizations gave a clarion call to the community especially youth to be ready for a protracted struggle.
The appeal was made in a one day conference of various KP organizations including Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj (YAIKS), Kashmiri displaced employees, PM and Non PM package employees, Temples and Shrine Bill activists which was held at Press Club here under the leadership of Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo president Panun Kashmir.
During the conference the key note address was presented by R K Bhat president YAIKS. The others who addressed the conference included Virender Raina national spokesperson PK, Pamposh Kaul senior leader Displaced Employees Forum and Sanjeev Kaul leader of Valley employees. The welcome address was read by Manoj Handoo general secretary YAIKS.
On the occasion two minutes silence was observed in memory of brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives in recent snow avalanche while guarding the nation’s borders in Kashmir valley.
In his address Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo said that for past sometime it was being felt the core issues relating to Kashmiri Pandits need to be put on a fast track so that they create the necessary traction and political salience. In order to give a comprehensive response to the concerns of the community, the leadership needs to evolve a comprehensive response to the concerns of the community, the leadership needs to evolve a consensus in order to fight the existential battle of the community  in a collective manner, he added.
Chrungoo further said that this collective effort of the people present here would propel the struggle of the Pandits to a much higher level of achievement. “We will soon come out with a  future plan of action and appeal the members of the community particularly the youth to get associated with this phase of our struggle in exile”, he added.
R K Bhat president YAIKS in his address said the issues related to KPs continue to face neglect and apathy at the hands of the politico administrative machinery of the State. Under these circumstances a cohesive and concerted effort by major socio-political activists of the community can alone produce the necessary change in the present challenging scenario.
In this context Bhat said that the issues we intend to take up in coming days include the speedy implementation of PM employment package, major rehabilitation concerns of the employees working in Valley, grant of leave encashment on superannuation to the displaced employees, the passage of Temples and Shrines Bill issue and the compensation to various deserving sections of the displaced community.
Virender Raina national spokesperson PK said that while geopolitical aspirations of the community would continue to remain in the focus yet the other core issues confronting the community would be taken up and put on priority. It is unfortunate that the political class and the bureaucracy have developed a habit to put the livelihood issues of the Kashmiri Pandits on the back burner time and again.
He said “we seek to bring change in the present approach of the Government by devising strategies and taking up programmes so that KPs issues are taken up and addressed in a definite time frame.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Ajay Safaya.