KPC appeals Parliamentarians to settle issue of displaced Pandits

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 28: Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) has sought the intervention of Parliament members as well as all national parties in getting the problem of displaced Pandits solved and punish the perpetrators of genocide of the community, loot and arson. The KPC president Kundan Kashmiri in a statement issued here, today said in case any further delay is made in punishing these elements they will get further emboldened and strengthened to make the country bleed further.
The KPC president Kundan Kashmiri has appealed to all Parliament members of the country and political parties and has sought their immediate intervention in the matter and settlement of the problem of the Kashmir Pandits leading an exiled life outside Valley by rehabilitating them in separate Kashyap State within Valley.
The KPC alleged that the Central Government’s deliberate ignorance of the Kashmiri Pandits ethnic cleansing, genocide, loot and arson has demoralised the displaced Pandits and they have also lost faith in the present dispensation which too failed to provide justice to the community.
He warned that the Pandits at no cost will surrender to the separatists who forced them to leave the Valley and the community lock, stock and barrel will reject any move of Government in this regard. He warned the Government not to pursue any such policy which will be inimical to national cause as well as prove harmful to community cause also.
He said Government of India still doesn’t understand and realise that all evils of separatism are driven essentially by fundamentalist ideology and it is unfortunate that even present dispensation and Government is viewing some of them as moderate and others hardliner and offering them privileges, power, as previous dispensations made strategic mistakes in this regard and allowed to nourish the fundamentalism, separatism and hatred against India.