KPC asks Pandits not to take any step in hurry on return

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Mar 12: Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) today stressed on wide ranging discussions and debates among the displaced community on the return and rehabilitation and has urged the individual organizations not to give confusing statements on this sensitive issue concerning the future of seven lakh exiled Pandits.

The KPC which held two day working committee meeting at Union Capital under the chairmanship of its president, Kundan Kashmiri said the return and rehabilitation of the community being an important issue needs wider debate and discussion among all KP organizations as well as consultation among the cross section of the community as any step taken in hurry will prove counter productive to the larger interests of the community.

The KPC in a handout said before taking any decision on return first and foremost thing to ponder over by the community leadership is to see that weather the mindset has changed in Valley, which was responsible for the mass exodus of the community.

It said the issue also politically involves wider ramifications keeping in view internationally recognized conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, demands like so-called Azadi, self rule and autonomy etc, mood and temper of the people of Kashmir, day to day militant related incidents in the Valley, direct involvement of Pakistan in Kashmir turmoil and appeasement policies of Union Government towards fundamentalists in Kashmir. Hence this all needs to be kept in mind before taking any step for return, the meeting added.

It said though track two diplomacy and foreign diplomacy is also involved in settling the Kashmir issue but the Pandits demand for separate homeland and Kashyap State is a big impediment in their way. To further this formula efforts are being made to lure some KP families to return to Kashmir to defeat the demand of homeland and Kashyap State, which the community leadership should cautiously counter, the handout added.