KPC submits memorandum to UNHC

Excelsior Correspondent
NEW DELHI, Aug 10: Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) has sought the intervention of United Nations in stopping Pakistan and its agencies from altering the status quo of Jammu and Kashmir State which is an integral part of India and debar it from committing human rights violations in Gilgit –Baltistan which is also the part of India and is under forcible occupation of Pakistan as well as in Kashmir Valley by sending armed desperados who indulge in killing of innocent people.
The KPC delegation in this connection submitted a memorandum to United Nations Security Council through UN High Commissioner at New Dehli today. The memorandum was submitted by a delegation of KPC led by its president Kundan Kashmiri.
The delegation also sought the intervention of World body appealing it to use its good offices to influence  Indian  Government  to rehabilitate Displaced Kashmiri Pandits in  Kashmir Valley at separate  consolidated   portion of  land  under the ambit of Indian constitution having all institutional  constitutional guarantees  and all other  basic , fundamental and constitutional rights at par with other citizens of India. The KPC also sought the intervention of world body in declaring Kashmiri Pandits leading an exiled life for last 26 years in different parts of country due to Pak sponsored proxy war in Kashmir as internally displaced community.
The memorandum alleged that Pakistan under a secret game plan clandestinely eliminated minorities in its country and their number has been reduced from 14 percent to one percent which is horrible and a threat to humanity all over the globe.
The memorandum while expressing grave concern over atrocities committed by Pakistan in Gilgit demanded that world body should immediately intervene to restrict Pakistan from such acts and ensure the safety and dignity of the Shia minorities there.